Attitudes to pigeons

When talking to people who feel bothered by pigeons or expressing attitudes towards them, they often view the situation from one of two angles: an objective or a subjective one.

The objective angle is that one finds that pigeon remains do not look so good, that cleaning must be repeated from time to time, and that solutions such as glued spikes or stretched metal wires are an expense, which, however, is acceptable to the vast majority of property owners. They do not last forever and can pose a danger to not only pigeons but also other bird species - especially if they (the metal wires) are not maintained (see more below Pigeon control).

The subjective angle is characterized by people criticizing the mere existence of pigeons: they express irritation over them, they look at them as pests, think they are contagious and lack empathy towards the animals. People walk without a guilty conscience past a pigeon that has either been injured or is sitting sick while they would never pass a dog that was in the same situation.

There are people who have compassion for the pigeons and who are happy with their presence, but they do not make up the majority. Unfortunately, there is little or no support from veterinarians or biologists to help these animals, who are already living incredibly hard and vulnerable lives. If you bring an injured pigeon to the vet, the only 'treatment' the vet usually provides is to kill the animal. Despite the fact that the pigeon with the right treatment and care in most cases can easily recover. In addition, many veterinarians have very little knowledge about the treatment of pigeons. It's a shame, because there are people who want to take care of a pigeon until it is healthy.

The pest control companies live high on myths about the dove as a disease-ridden animal, and they gladly and often make undocumented claims on their websites. Allegations that are allowed to stand unchallenged. Both the public and private sectors turn to the companies to solve 'problems' with so-called 'pests', and here the critical sense fails completely: the words of the pigeon fighters are allowed to stand unchallenged without the customer considering whether there might be financial reasons (they live by the fact that you believe their claims) for the companies to come up with all sorts of scary statements that often seem like the grip out of the blue air.  Coming up with the same postulates about a number of other, more popular, animal species had never gone.

Due status
When the status of the pigeon has changed for the worse in the last many years, it is due to misinformation and the consequent lack of empathy and respect for the pigeon. As reasons for their aversion to pigeons, many mention the animals' remains. But do pigeons swine more than humans? And is it worse with pigeon droppings than the waste people leave everywhere in the form of plastic, paper, cardboard, leftover food, vomit, pee, cigarette butts, not to mention the dogs' leftovers. We do not find it nice, but we do not talk about killing or capturing for that reason. The pigeons walk around like little garbage men, picking up edibles. There are a few parents who teach their children that they should respect the pigeons and stop chasing them. Since we hate what we learn to hate, we pass on a completely distorted image of and a completely unreasonable attitude to some animals who are both exciting, trusting and who are fighting a hard battle for survival. 

Beautiful pigeons

Beautiful pigeons

Beautiful pigeons

Beaux pigeons

Palomas hermosas

Beautiful pigeons

alhamam aljamil

Kauniit kyyhkyset

Bellissimi piccioni

Lindos pombos
